Because fractals are patterns that cyclically repeat, taking the same form at infinitely larger and smaller scales, any point, in fact, every point, that you would isolate, identify, focus on, is the center. Every point is the center. What this model shows more than anything, again and again, is that you matter. Your decisions matter, all your decisions matter, because action is the nourishment of the social world. What you support financially and with your participation determines what is able to continue Your internal world matters, your patterns, fears, traumas, dreams, mental health.It all matters because you will propagate yourself in everything you do. Jamie Janover says that his favorite example of a fractal is that people come out of other people. So do organizations, businesses, governments, media. It is all self-propagating.
If we are representative of our specificity, learning ourselves, following the grooves it has left on us is coming to understand our particle of the wave of the world at the historic, geographic intersection of our specificity. Buddhists call this samkhara. The process of coming to know yourself better, of coming into yourself is actually excavating this heritage. Feeling its imprint upon you, the way it has carved the contours of your individuality is the process of transmuting the elements of the dialectic that converge within the microcosm of your specificity. This global justice comes through yourself, through knowing yourself better. Whatever fear, anger, trauma, joy, creative light lives inside your heart, go to it. Profoundly. Somewhere in there lies your calling. In these depths, you discover your gifts, your true passion, your highest self and what it is that you really want for yourself, so you know what you want to see reflected in the world, so you can bring it into being.
In terms of a pluralistic vision of Global Justice, you doing exactly what you want to do, in at least some areas of your life, is possibly the most important thing you can do to bring about global justice in our life time on this planet.. For it is through you bringing your vision into the world that you create the world that you want to live in. And through more and more people realizing their life’s path, we are collectively creating the reality we all want to live in, a world woven of our highest excitement and reflecting our most unique and meaningful creativity. Teaching science to kids, immigrant rights, a music venue- whatever it is, if enough people share that vision, if the way that it is coming into being meets the emotional or pragmatic needs of the people involved or the context it is attempting to serve, then it will be nourished and able to continue on. And this resonates through every scale of our decision making. The more that you support the kind of activity you want in the world, the more sustaining that waveform is.
There is a historical context to the experience and importance of individuality. We imagine that in the eras before modernity, back when the boundary condition of world view was direct experience, human beings more often shared a cohesive cultural experience with those around them. Their lives adapted to and emerged from a particular eco-system. Their was language composed from its sounds; their homes were drawn from the materials of its landscape. Their bodies were nourished by life’s seasons Their ailments came from that ecology and the treatments were provided by that environment. We imagine that in their tribal organization the traditional delineation of roles formed an organismic whole. Members embodied social archetypes, the sum of which comprised the full wheel of potential human experience. The anthropological record tells us these cultures had rich traditions. Philosophies, arts, sciences and mystic practices that structured human expression, providing the loom that each successive generation wove upon and innovated within. We can see their lives almost as embroidery; feeling the texture of their collective expression as a unified tapestry woven directly from the landscape by many human hands.
We have gone through a long and painful process of individuation,. We have been torn from our original ecologies or seen them desecrated and destroyed. We have been severed from collective ties, communal living and all the feelings of safety, belonging and being cared for that provided. Our labor is alienated.We are detached from the cycles of the natural world, left without models and mentors to guide us into adulthood, to teach us the meaning of things, to teach us wisdom.

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