McKenna called language a dimension-exploring device.Our language is becoming multi-sensory. It always has
been. Only now, technology is enabling multi-sensory communication to be shared
non-locally and in novel fusions. Our multi-sensory language is able to come
into a new form of itself as it evolves through the generational cycles of
technology, which mates and mutates much faster then our own adaptive cycles.
It is evolving in this direction. Which is to say, that we too are evolving in
this way. And through this new way in which language is becoming multi-media
and multi-techno-sensory, we are witnessing a occurrence similar to a
phenomenon observed in the harmonics of choral chants called the ‘Angel Tone.’
When multiple voices come together in song, tones can be heard and recorded
which are not being made by any of those who are singing. Where multiple forces
converge, an additional element arises. As our language and communicative
expression re-configures itself through our technological tools, our sensory
receptive capacities are undergoing a swift evolution. While it is my personal
hope that communicating non-locally through a technological hardware will lead
to an organically emergent telepathic human software- a phenomenon for which I
suggest the name Tech-lepathy, the mere fact of our developing the ability to
cognitize technologically mediated sensory information into cohesive
communication in this way signifies an adaptive perceptuo-sensory
our dimension exploring devices are undergoing such a rapid shift, we are also undergoing a rapid
dimensional shift. Science tells us that nature moves towards complexification
through diversification, ultimately growing into co-operation at a larger
scale. Applied to our own situation, we have already moved through
diversification and complexification. We now find ourselves on the threshold of
realizing that cooperation, potentially being able to understand and experience
ourselves in a larger dimensional scale as a single, global organism.
who are alive at this time, have the need, the challenge, the assignment, to
make this quantum leap. We are in what Buckminster Fuller called ‘our final
exam’ to see if we are capable of being stewards of this planet. It is an
undetermined future we are dealing with. We. who are alive at this time are the
only ones who can determine whether we are capable or not. Not of saving the
earth, whatever that means, but of coming to know and feel that we are the earth. That we are the deep Gaian Being itself
working to bring about this fractaled transformation on all scales simultaneously.
me, I started this project because I felt like I needed an idea of what I was
working for. I was looking for a vision of a comprehensive global system, I was
looking for what world peace would look like. I didn’t know to call it that when
I started, because in a very real way, I
did not know what peace was. I
do not know if I even thought peace was possible, or had any idea of
what that could mean beyond a cessation of war- some kind of diplomatic truce.
It was through the process of developing this model and delving into this
investigation that I discovered spiritual depths within myself that felt peace, true, internal peace. It was
only upon reaching those depths, and feeling it in myself, that I felt like
peace was possible.
this angel tone. This angel tone is emerging out of our feeling of greater
connectivity. From the awareness of our interconnection growing into the
experience that we inter-are. It is rising up in our longing for meaning and
community. Our desire to be cared for and to care for others, to bring our
gifts forward. In our striving to live an ethical life. In greater acceptance
and tolerance for other ways of life. A hope that all can be happy, healthy and
able to do what they want to do. Believe- in yourself and trust in others that
you can dance your calligraphy and contribute to making the world more the one
you want to live in. Participate in making it more the one that you want to
bring children and new life into. A marked acceleration of human consciousness,
individual and thus collective.
angel tone, I think it is love. Love being the greatest Gaian technology of
connection there is. Love being the highest form of human consciousness we
know. Love being the polarity on the other side of fear. Love being the word
some spiritual traditions use to describe god. Love being what makes you
believe in other people and yourself and feel like things are possible. This
angel tone. This capacity to cultivate and feel a love for the world is
available to you now. This heart-connected world already exists. She is already
fully formed. She is in the birthing process. The old world is dying. We are
the fractaled agents hospiceing this old world; we are the midwives of the new.
The contractions are getting closer together. They are getting more intense.
The new world is being born. It can only be born through each one of us. It has
been a long journey leading to this point. It is up to us now. She is there
inside us. She is us. She is crowning. She is needing. She is needing us to
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