F.P. Going Quantum: Adding Time
A behavior of fractals, discovered
while measuring coast lines- another fractal- is that the smaller the unit of
measurement, the larger the territory being measured appears to be. When
scientists used smaller implements, they were able to record more detail,
resulting in a larger final measurement. So tracking the micro-processes
leading to why someone is a certain way
in the world is a much more complex and practically infinite map
compared to how the micro-processes between individuals lead to the way an
organization is. This is more
detailed still than tracking how
the interactions between organizations comprise and create how their network
is. The scale of the interest plateau is so large, that the unit of measurement
available, tracking processes, once again becomes small, rendering the
territory intricately complex. This explains why Collon and LaTour described
Actor Network Theory as an exercise. They did not believe the taxonomy could
ever be completed, but the kind of thinking the practice encourages
approximates a closer understanding to how things come into being and how
social change actually occurs.
terms of the overall model, the starting unit of scale should be the smallest
unit of perception we can identify as acting in the social world. Because we
are at a historical moment when the majority of humans experience an
individuated consciousness, the smallest starting unit of scale would be an
individual. In terms of the starting unit of time for the X-axis, it follows
that the smallest action that we can track for an individual acting in the
social world is that of a single decision. This is the root pattern of the
wave, the form from which it builds. Because information is the feedback loop
of the entire system, both the information generated by direct experience and
the informational representations generated out of the direct experience of
others, enter the individual perceiver as information.
information is received, directionally, it dips bellow the X-axis, into the
internal world of the individual, interacting with their consciousness, which
is conditioned by all that has come before. This produces an emotional
reaction, which then rises up, above the X-axis, showing itself in the social
world, emerging as a single unit of decision making. Making a decision produces
more information, which then dips back bellow the X-axis, interacting with
consciousness, producing an emotional response, giving trajectory to the
following decision. The overall pattern of this process rising and falling
forms a wave. It is the vibratory signature of a person through time. As they
move through the social world, this wave fractals through the scales,
generating iterations of itself. Each individual within decision making process
contributes in creating the composite tone that is the decision of a social
formation. Social formations resonate their decision making patterns through
their networks and the Actor Network, effecting the decision making harmonics
of all the actants within the immediate realm of influence and beyond as their
wave becomes part of the pattern song that is being resonated at all the
iterations of scale. Establishing an axis intersection point is the process of
isolating a particle in this fractal wave form in order to understand the way
that it is involved in generating this pattern as it propagates itself.
Decision Wave Form:
all the iterations of the information-emotional response-
decision-making-information unit coiling through time generating epi-cycles in
the amplitudes of scales quickly spirals into all arrows pointing in all
directions, to all points at all scales. Thus tightly weaving into the fabric
of space and time. An individual life is evocatively reflective of the
principles of calligraphy. In the art of calligraphy, what internally wants to
be expressed is found in the external form available for that expression. The
written character for joy is a form whose lines are expressive of joy. As one
writes, they embody the absolute feeling of joy inside themselves. The internal
feeling and the external form become collapsed in the dynamic experience of
creating the expression itself. So too, a person’s life is their calligraphy-
their inner world and their outward expression merging. The experiential
strokes drawing the form of their life, their pattern resonating through the
calligraphy of the whole- extending through time, patterning through scale.
pausing the flow of time to identify the particle within the wave, we can
become aware of what Anthony Giddens calls Struturation. We are a product of
all that has come before, structured by the ways it has shaped us, we have the
ability to act with unique creativity at every moment. Or as Marx said it, ‘the
people are made by history and in turn have the opportunity to make history.’
apart the temporal aspects of this process, mapping out the linear history of
the wave, may not be useful to you. However, this model affords us the
perspective to be able to see the importance of individual decision-making and
of the individual. This
entire model relies on conscious value-driven, ethically motivated decision
making to function in a healthy, progressive and constructive way. Which means
that much of the healthy functioning of this system lies beneath the phenomenological horizon line of our smallest unit, the individual. It is a
complex swarm down there bellow the X-axis, and reflective awareness is only
brought to a fraction of the decisions an individual makes. Much evidence shows
that to really have an affect in shifting someone’s behaviors, change must
happen in their internal world, in their emotional body. It seems like this may
be happening more and more because of the feedback loop of information.
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