Wednesday, July 18, 2012

9. Re-Imagining Networks

Fractal Pluralism 9:of:13 
Re-Imagining Networks

  This model illustrates a re-imagining of networks. With the rise of network thinking, more and more social formations are seeking to organize themselves and coordinate along network patterns. This is in line with the thrust of up-scaling cooperative activity between social entities. Coming to agreement within one social formation is a significantly involved, energy intensive process. The energy required can become extrapolated and maximized when trying to bring multiple social formations into agreement. Often this is necessary work, a process for the members involved to come to greater understanding of their own position and for the network to be able to generate more action through deepening feelings of connectivity. However, there is the possibility that organizing the network can take a predominant position of the in the energies and efforts of the group.

            The activities of diverse social formations are already working in concert with each other, even when the connectivity is not being actively articulated by the groups involved. Fractal Pluralism can be used as a discerning  device for when and how to invest energy in articulating network connections and strategizing the most efficient network practice and design. This intentionally empowers shrewd and strategic choice around focusing our time to actively cultivate only the sort of relationship that is most rewarding to us given a particular time-scale.  This helps us to determine who we may not even want as part of our potential network, but whose activity pattern we can accept as Pluralist co-participants. We must choose our battles. We must choose what makes sense to us.  We have our passions. Others have theirs. We are all working together even when we are not actively articulating our connectivity. Making these discernments will directly enhance our ability to be effective. It will allow us to focus the full force of our organizing power into generating our own patterns of a life sustaining global culture and target our efforts precisely and only towards those who truly stand in opposition to it.

            Because the condition we find ourselves in is so dire and because power is being wielded so irresponsibly,  the movement for a life-sustaining global culture has a chance. The opposition is tremendous and yet, that might be what is needed to catalyze the movement. Opposition  can be the seed of passion, creativity and drive. When times get difficult, we are pushed towards action. After so long of being pushed by violence, perhaps we are beginning to be pulled by vision. And the opposition is itself fractaled, it is there at every time-scale coordinate simultaneously. The dialectic is diffuse and multiple, as present in daily life as it is in the arc of entire life paths. It is within us - in every decision, in every breath, we perform this alchemy, deciding what wave form we resonate through the whole.

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